[App]MDF data (INCA data) converter DAT to CSV, MAT

What is this app for?

 This application can convert MDF data formatted [.dat] logged by INCA to [.csv] or [.mat]. All the signals in the log data will be extracted. The name of each signal is defined by contents of logged data.
 This application is available for windows11, 64bit environment.

How to Download

How to Use

 Please unzip the downloaded file, and execute MDFdata2matcsv_ver1.01.exe in the folder.

If you execute MDFdata2matcsv_ver1.01.exe, below window will be shown.

Input file is below.
1. LOG file (.dat ): MDF(Measurement Data Format)

Please see below steps for using this app.

How to use

During converting, progress will be shown. Big size of input data takes a little long time.

During conversion

The output file will be saved at the same folder as the log file. If Original is selected, the name of output file is [logfilename.csv], if Resampling is selected in previous step, the name of output file is [logfilename_resamplingXXXs.csv].

Output file with csv format

Below tables are sample of output files. The top column shows the signal name with message ID such as ‘0x1AA_Sig1’. If Original is selected, each signal has individual time axis, if Resampling is selected, a common axis will be genarated.

output example of ‘Original’
output example of ‘Resampling’

Output file with mat format

 If you select mat format as output file, output file contains structures named as each Signal name. This structure contain ‘time’ and ‘signals’ in each Signal.

Below table is the example of the output file.

Signal Nameelement
example of the output file

 The character length of structure is limited with 31 characters, so the long Signal name will be shorten 31 characters automatically.

 If you want to make plot, this structure is very useful. Below is sample to make plot.

load 'Log filename.mat'

    plot(Signal1.time, Signal1.values, Signal2.time, Signal2.values);

NOTE for download and execution  

When you download this app, there will be a message come out from the system automatically that this application is dangerous. After checking this app on VirusTotal.com, it only shows that the Avast and AVG get wrong results of judging this application as virus.

virus check


Version Information

2.00reduce conversion time
1.00integrated version of MDFdata2csv and MDFdata2mat
Version Information


 Harms and damages caused by using this application is out of our responsibility.
It is not allowed to modify, distribute and sell this application without the author`s permission.

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